Paqueta: ‘Milan a dream come true’

Lucas Paquetà says his move to Milan is “a dream that’s become reality”, but admits to “a little fear of leaving Flamengo”.

The Brazilian will join the Rossoneri in January, and today he spoke in a Press conference ahead of his final game for Flamegno.

“I am grateful to the Flamengo for having formed me as a man and as a footballer,” Paqueta began.

Lucas Paquetà says his move to Milan is “a dream that’s become reality”, but admits to “a little fear of leaving Flamengo”.

The Brazilian will join the Rossoneri in January, and today he spoke in a Press conference ahead of his final game for Flamegno.

“I am grateful to the Flamengo for having formed me as a man and as a footballer,” Paqueta began.

“For giving me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and my objectives. Everything has changed since I first came here, this is a club that will always remain in my heart. I’ll always love these colours and this club.

“The transfer to Italy is a dream that’s become reality, I only know ‘grazie’ but I’ll try to keep up with the language. I’m already learning.

“I’ll experience [this final match] in the best way, maybe I’ll cry when I see the Flamengo fans – it’s certainly possible.

“I spoke to Juan, who told me wonderful things about Italy, and also to Kaka, who gave me some advice and explained a couple of things.

“He told me to act with conviction and be decisive, even if I’m a shy person. I will fly to Italy in the next few days for the last details. Now I want to close things with Flamengo in the best possible way.

“I’ve talked about it with my wife and my mother, and maybe I’ll have a little fear of leaving Flamengo, it’s something I’ve never dealt with before.

“I will always love this club and have always been happy here. I’ll leave with a little pain, it’ll be like leaving home for the first time.

“You can understand that feeling, can’t you? I’m sure that one day, maybe at the end of my career, I’ll be back.”

Paquetà is known for his dancing celebrations, will those continue in Italy?

“When I score I’m always very happy, always dancing for joy. It won’t be any different in Italy. We’ll see if anyone comes to dance with me!

“I already know that it will be difficult to make people like [Gonzalo] Higuain dance. Joking apart, I can’t wait to arrive and win my place on the pitch.”