Pallotta ‘contacted several Coaches’

Roma President James Pallotta says he ‘contacted several great Coaches’ before hiring the ‘extremely bright’ Luciano Spalletti.

The former Zenit boss has helped turn around the Giallorossi’s fortunes since replacing Rudi Garcia in January, leading the club to four consecutive wins.

Pallotta praised the Coach, while reassuring directors Walter Sabatini and Mauro Baldissoni that they won’t be moved on at the end of the season.

“Spalletti is a great added quality,” Pallotta said to Gazzetta dello Sport.

Roma President James Pallotta says he ‘contacted several great Coaches’ before hiring the ‘extremely bright’ Luciano Spalletti.

The former Zenit boss has helped turn around the Giallorossi’s fortunes since replacing Rudi Garcia in January, leading the club to four consecutive wins.

Pallotta praised the Coach, while reassuring directors Walter Sabatini and Mauro Baldissoni that they won’t be moved on at the end of the season.

“Spalletti is a great added quality,” Pallotta said to Gazzetta dello Sport.

“He’s extremely bright, not to mention his assistants who are working so hard, in a way I’ve rarely seen.

“Before hiring him, I contacted several great Coaches and each of them told me they would be the perfect choice.

“Everyone confirmed to me that they were one of the best tacticians around and that with the support I would give them they would do great things with Roma.

“Walter Sabatini will have more support from me and all the others compared to how much he’s been given up until now.

“Baldissoni isn’t going anywhere. He’s reliable and intelligent and takes care of the club like no other. I’ve never met anyone who works as much as he does. The team is lucky to have him.”