Palladino: ‘A miracle Pablo Mari is ok’ after stabbing

Monza coach Raffaele Palladino explains how the squad was ‘in shock’ at the Pablo Mari stabbing, but realised ‘it could’ve been a lot worse. It’s a miracle.’

The defender, who is on loan with an option to buy from Arsenal, was shopping at a supermarket in Assago near Milan with his wife and their young child when he was stabbed in the back.

A 46-year-old Italian man went on to stab five others in the store, killing a cashier, before he was disarmed by shoppers.

Monza had initially requested that Monday’s Serie A game with Bologna be postponed, but the Lega refused.

“It’s not that we didn’t want to play. It’s that the initial news coming through stunned everyone and it’s only natural we were in shock,” said coach Palladino in a press conference.

“Once we were sure that Pablo Mari was out of danger, the team reacted well. It was a horrible week, but at the same time a beautiful one, because Pablo Mari really was saved by a miracle. It is our duty to step out there and give our all for our teammate, so we don’t regret the game going ahead.

“When something this serious happens, it’s natural there will be a psychological effect, but we talked between ourselves and realised it could’ve been much, much worse.

“You can be negative or positive in life and we must be positive. Considering the fact Pablo Mari is largely ok, we can only be happy and thankful for that.”

There will be a minute’s silence held before kick-off on Monday at the U-Power Stadium for Luis Fernando Ruggieri, the cashier who was killed in the supermarket attack.

Pablo Mari told Palladino and CEO Adriano Galliani when they visited him in hospital on Thursday evening that he saw the man die in front of him.

“Our thoughts and condolences are with the family of the victim, Luis Fernando Ruggieri, and all the others who were injured in this attack.”

The Spanish defender had surgery on the muscles in his back and was released from hospital to return home this morning.

He also sent a message via social media.

“Finally I am at home! I want to personally thank all the medics and professionals at the Trauma Centre of the Niguarda Hospital in Milan.”