Palermo reject Sirigu interest

No club has made a serious attempt to sign Salvatore Sirigu, the Palermo 'keeper's agent has stated.

Sirigu has been linked with a Rosanero exit after turning down a new improved contract at the Stadio Barbera.

No club has made a serious attempt to sign Salvatore Sirigu, the Palermo 'keeper's agent has stated.

Sirigu has been linked with a Rosanero exit after turning down a new improved contract at the Stadio Barbera.

Currently on €250,000 a season, he's rejected the club's offer of doubling that by asking for closer to €800,000.

"There have been a few conversations with Italian and foreign clubs, but nothing concrete," representative Carlo Pallavicino noted.

"Palermo, as is their right, have closed the door in the faces of those who have come forward by declaring the player un-transferable."

Palermo are in no rush to agree new terms with the Italian international as he still has three years to run on his contract in Sicily.

Genoa and Schalke have been paired with the custodian.