Maurizio Zamparini, who has apologised to Inter, has revealed that his transfer plans for Palermo may include the sale of Javier Pastore.

Speaking to Radio Radio on Monday, the Rosanero chief admitted that he could not rule out Pastore's departure.

"Pastore is the only player who could leave. It all depends on the boy," the President stated.

"He earns less than €1m and if a big club offered him €4m then it would be hard to keep him. Palermo can't afford that and we have to balance the books."

Maurizio Zamparini, who has apologised to Inter, has revealed that his transfer plans for Palermo may include the sale of Javier Pastore.

Speaking to Radio Radio on Monday, the Rosanero chief admitted that he could not rule out Pastore's departure.

"Pastore is the only player who could leave. It all depends on the boy," the President stated.

"He earns less than €1m and if a big club offered him €4m then it would be hard to keep him. Palermo can't afford that and we have to balance the books."

The Argentine sensation, who Zamparini has valued at €60m this term, has been linked with a variety of Europe's top clubs.

Zampa also revealed the latest on Mattia Cassani, Mauricio Pinilla and the linked River Plate sensation Erik Lamela.

"Cassani to Lazio? Absolutely not. Pinilla? Inter asked me yesterday about him," he continued.

"We are not chasing Lamela because we are all sorted out in attack. I'm looking for a midfielder with quality and am assessing a few options."

Turning to coaching matters, Zamparini is expected to hold talks with Delio Rossi at some stage this week about the future.

"My idea is to keep him but I have to see what kind of side he wants and the economical aspects," he added.

"I've asked one of the directors to offer him a one year deal so we can sit around a table and talk about it."

Should Rossi leave, as is expected, then Palermo could make a move for ex-Roma boss Claudio Ranieri or Gubbio tactician Vincenzo Torrente.

"I like both of them. I consider Ranieri to be a great, but Palermo would be a compromise for him and not a great objective.

"Torrente has less experience, but has more enthusiasm. He'll be a more risky choice, but Palermo would represent a great opportunity for him."

Zamparini also said sorry for the way he reacted to Palermo's defeat in the Coppa Italia Final last night, but maintained he was right to be angry.

"I regret calling Inter the Beagle Boys. You say jokes at the end of the game. I do maintain though that refereeing errors penalised us and allowed Inter to win a game they didn't deserve."

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