Palermo money seized

Italy’s financial police seized around €1.1m from Palermo, infuriating Maurizio Zamparini, but the club President insists “the club is not in a state of insolvency”.

The Rosanero have been under investigation for some time, with allegations of a €70m hole in their accounts and false accounting practices.

Yesterday the Guardia di Finanza seized around €1.1m from the club’s bank accounts – through prosecutors requested €50m – and owner Maurizio Zamparini is not happy.

Italy’s financial police seized around €1.1m from Palermo, infuriating Maurizio Zamparini, but the club President insists “the club is not in a state of insolvency”.

The Rosanero have been under investigation for some time, with allegations of a €70m hole in their accounts and false accounting practices.

Yesterday the Guardia di Finanza seized around €1.1m from the club’s bank accounts – through prosecutors requested €50m – and owner Maurizio Zamparini is not happy.

“They’ve denied the request for house arrest, they’ve rejected the bankruptcy petition, now this…” Zamparini fumed to Giornale di Sicilia.

“There is not one Euro of unpaid tax, none of that. The timing is crazy, if they seize the money what am I supposed to do? Not pay the salaries and not register the team for the league?

“They don’t know what to invent anymore, but without this €1m I don’t have to pay the salaries…”

Zamparini still owns Palermo, but the President is Giovanni Giammarva, who is accused of having violated Article 2638 of the Civil Code – essentially obstruction of the investigation.

“The only new element concerns the transfer [on May 3, 2018] of the full management of the club from Maurizio Zamparini to myself,” Giammarva said in a statement.

“However, the pre-trial judge [Giudice d'Indagine Preliminare] rejected the view of the prosecution that my role was purely ceremonial, pointing out that despite the ‘exuberant character’ of the Palermo owner, I run the company with full powers, independence and authority, so the request of the prosecutors was rejected.

“I just want to point out that, as indicated in the provision itself, this seizure is essentially a guarantee for the payment of taxes and any penalties, in the event of failure to meet them as they fall due, when to date all have been paid on time.

“To date the club has no unpaid tax debt, and the provision for seizing the €1.1m – which took place on the day salaries are paid and when you have to register for the league – only provides confirmation, if any were needed, that the club is not in a state of insolvency.

“This is the succession of events and requests from the prosecutor.

“These requests, if accepted, would have led to the disappearance of our team from the national leagues, but it’s team that today is still registered in Serie B and continues to struggle to reach the top flight, where I believe it deserves to stay.

“As I’ve already pointed out, all these events coincided with the most important sporting and administrative activity of the club, such as the latest which came out in the moment of registering for the season, paying salaries and appearances before the sporting justice system.

“As long as I’m allowed to continue to play my role, I will underline the need for football to always be guaranteed sporting fairness, legality and transparency, especially when a team becomes the moral property and added value of an entire city, such as Palermo.

“I will not hide the pain and embarrassment I feel at finding myself, for the first time, on the other side of a barrier that I’ve tried to defend in 30 years of my professional life, finding myself standing today in front of the same offices in which I embarked upon my professional career.

“My trust in the justice system remains firm, and I am prepared to actively collaborate with the judiciary to prevent the occurrence of such situations which do not help Palermo.”