Palermo make Borriello bid

There are reports that Palermo made a request to take Marco Borriello on loan from Roma after his row with the Genoa directors.

The centre-forward is still owned by the Giallorossi, but was due to spend all of this season at Marassi.

There are reports that Palermo made a request to take Marco Borriello on loan from Roma after his row with the Genoa directors.

The centre-forward is still owned by the Giallorossi, but was due to spend all of this season at Marassi.

However, he was dropped for the last game of 2012 after a row with director of sport Rino Foschi and a January exit is expected.

According to Sky Sport Italia, Palermo have leapt to the top of the queue for Borriello’s services by making a formal offer.

There are still problems, as Borriello would prefer to wait for a bigger club to swoop for his signature.

He has been linked with Inter and even a surprise return to Juventus” data-scaytid=”19″>Juventus.