Ostigard confronted Mazzarri in front of De Laurentiis in Napoli dressing room – report

Il Corriere dello Sport reports that tension was running high between Leo Ostigard and Walter Mazzarri on Saturday when the Napoli centre-back argued with his coach inside the dressing room at halftime in front of Aurelio De Laurentiis.

According to the report, Ostigard was furious with Mazzarri when the coach informed him he would be subbed off during the break.

Ostigard, a former Genoa centre-back, had been booked during the first half, so Mazzarri decided to take him off. Ostigard didn’t take it well at all and vehemently complained to his coach, backed by other Napoli players.

It all happened in front of President Aurelio De Laurentiis, who had come down inside the dressing room to talk to his players during the break.

Napoli eventually secured a 1-1 draw thanks to a late Cyril Ngonge goal.

Mazzarri is fighting for his job, as Napoli could sack him after next week’s game against Barcelona if the Partenopei offer another disappointing performance.