Disappointing news has emerged from the Napoli training session today, where Victor Osimhen continued working on his recovery from a muscle injury.

The 24-year-old Nigerian striker suffered a tear in his adductor muscle whilst on international duty at the end of last month and was forced to miss the Partenopei’s last two outings against Milan and Lecce.

Napoli had hoped to recover him for the first leg of their Champions League quarter-final tie with Milan but did not see the results they were hoping for in training today.

Gianluca Di Marzio highlighted today that Osimhen did not take part in squad training with his Napoli teammates, instead working individually on the pitch before heading into the gym.

Napoli do not want to risk Osimhen in the final stages of this season and so won’t risk rushing him back to face Milan, although the hope is that he’ll be fit for the second leg later this month.

For his part, the Nigerian star would like to take part in the match and will undergo a round of medical tests tomorrow to determine his availability.

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