Ortiz: ‘Napoli win with Benitez’

Former Valencia President Jaime Ortiz tells Napoli they “will win with Rafa Benitez” and Raul Albiol.

The Partenopei are third in Serie A, but still have a chance of silverware this season when facing Napoli in the Coppa Italia Final on May 3.

Former Valencia President Jaime Ortiz tells Napoli they “will win with Rafa Benitez” and Raul Albiol.

The Partenopei are third in Serie A, but still have a chance of silverware this season when facing Napoli in the Coppa Italia Final on May 3.

“We arrived at Valencia together, I as President and Benitez as Coach,” Ortiz told Teleclubitalia.

“The club had two years of total failure in Spain and Europe. We took a Valencia side that was at rock bottom and took them to victory, writing pages of history with this club.

“We chose Benitez precisely because he also has managerial skills, so he can build a team as well as train it. That is his strength, his ability to plan ahead, despite working with a smaller budget than others.

“Can Napoli win with Benitez? Certainly! This is only his first year with a completely renovated team. The season has been a positive one.

“The key is time, as all you need is patience. Rafa has already brought his experience and international stature, which should not be underestimated.”

Ortiz has high hopes for Benitez’s post-Napoli career too, tipping him to become Coach of Spain.

“He has already shown he can win in Europe. I believe he is the right man to lead the best team in the world.”

Napoli defender Albiol also came through Valencia when Ortiz was the President and is now making his mark in Serie A.

“Raul is a champion, he has a strong character and above all is a fantastic guy. He gave an essential contribution to Valencia’s success.

“I will also reveal that before being Raul’s President at Valencia, I was President of a club where his father played. At the start that was embarrassing, but it is certainly a rare experience to be President over two generations of players.

“At Valencia we are following Benitez’s Napoli with great interest, fondness and affection.”