Olsen: ‘Replacing Alisson is difficult’

Roma goalkeeper Robin Olsen admits “there was a lot of pressure” on him after signing, given he was replacing Alisson.

The Swedish international arrived to replace the Brazil number one this summer, who moved to Liverpool for what was at that time a world record fee.

“It’s true, when I arrived there was a lot of pressure and attention on me, but that’s normal when you join a big club,” Olsen told the Giallorossi’s match programme.

Roma goalkeeper Robin Olsen admits “there was a lot of pressure” on him after signing, given he was replacing Alisson.

The Swedish international arrived to replace the Brazil number one this summer, who moved to Liverpool for what was at that time a world record fee.

“It’s true, when I arrived there was a lot of pressure and attention on me, but that’s normal when you join a big club,” Olsen told the Giallorossi’s match programme.

“Roma had just sold a great goalkeeper like Alisson, and then I came in to replace him. I expected there to be a lot of pressure and I knew that I would have to show my ability out on the pitch.

“I am working hard every day, every minute, to show I have the quality required.

“The difference in football from where I come from and Italy is huge. It’s completely different, clearly Serie A is a far harder and better league – there is no comparison.

“Now I play with better players and against better players, it’s completely different.

“When I arrived it was all totally new; a new way of working, new techniques and methods. I needed a bit of time, I needed to settle in.

“On the pitch my Italian is getting better, I don’t have any issues talking to my teammates and making myself understood.

“I understand a bit more all the time; I’ve been here three months so clearly I can still improve a lot more, so I think slowly I will learn Italian to use day-to-day too.”