Okaka to Spezia via Parma

Parma have signed striker Stefano Okaka from Roma – and immediately loaned him out to Serie B side Spezia” data-scaytid=”3″>Spezia.

A 23-year-old centre forward and former Italy Under-21 international, Okaka leaves Rome after eight years on the Giallorossi books.

Parma have signed striker Stefano Okaka from Roma – and immediately loaned him out to Serie B side Spezia.

A 23-year-old centre forward and former Italy Under-21 international, Okaka leaves Rome after eight years on the Giallorossi books.

Last season he scored three goals in 14 appearances on loan at Parma, who announced the deal on their website.

“Parma FC announces that it has acquired outright from AS Roma striker Stefano Okaka. Afterwards, he was transferred temporarily to Spezia Calcio.”

Spezia are newcomers to Serie B after winning Lega Pro Prima Divisione B last term. They have mounted an audacious transfer campaign this summer, recruiting Paolo Sammarco, Davide Di Gennaro and Lorenzo Crisetig.