Official: FIGC confirm Spalletti new Italy coach

Luciano Spalletti has officially signed a contract to be the Italy coach from September 1 until after the 2026 World Cup, setting up a legal battle with Napoli.

It was announced via a statement from the FIGC – Italian Football Federation – this evening.

“The FIGC announces it has reached an agreement with the Tuscan coach, who will take the role from September 1. The official presentation will be held at Coverciano for the training retreat that precedes the matches against North Macedonia and Ukraine.”

He is the replacement for Roberto Mancini, who handed in his resignation just under a week ago.

Spalletti left Napoli by mutual consent on June 30 after winning their first Serie A title in over 30 years.

The club only allowed him to walk away if he signed a seven-page document including a clause set at almost €3m to be paid if he returned to work within a year of the termination.

The FIGC lawyers insist that should count only for clubs who are rivals to Napoli and not to a federation or international role, but President Aurelio De Laurentiis has reiterated it covers the Nazionale as well.

“We welcome Spalletti,” said FIGC President Gabriele Gravina as part of the formal statement.

“The Nazionale needed a great coach and I am very happy that he accepted to lead the Azzurri. His enthusiasm and competence will be fundamental for the challenges that await Italy in the next few months.”