Nocerino reveals Cassano concerns

Antonio Nocerino reveals what the Milan players were thinking when Antonio Cassano suffered a mini-stroke. “We were perplexed.”

Cassano had the ischemic attack on the plane back from last Saturday’s 3-2 victory at Roma, resulting in blurred vision, difficulty speaking and walking.

Antonio Nocerino reveals what the Milan players were thinking when Antonio Cassano suffered a mini-stroke. “We were perplexed.”

Cassano had the ischemic attack on the plane back from last Saturday’s 3-2 victory at Roma, resulting in blurred vision, difficulty speaking and walking.

“When we found out about Antonio, we were all perplexed and sad. It really hit us hard, too,” Nocerino told Milan Channel.

“We really did not realise at the time what was going on, but afterwards we all worried, as we couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Antonio.

“Now he is better, he’s strong and just has to focus on resting so he can come back better than ever. We all await him with open arms.”

Cassano underwent surgery to correct a congenital heart defect which caused the mini-stroke and should be out of action for around six months.