No reason to sell Sirigu

Palermo have warned Salvatore Sirigu that they'll keep him at the club even if he doesn't renew his contract.

The goalkeeper has turned down the offer of new improved terms which has sparked rumours of a Stadio Barbera exit.

Palermo have warned Salvatore Sirigu that they'll keep him at the club even if he doesn't renew his contract.

The goalkeeper has turned down the offer of new improved terms which has sparked rumours of a Stadio Barbera exit.

President Maurizio Zamparini, though, insists that won't be the case given that the player is tied to the Rosanero until June 2014.

"We promised him a new deal which would see his present wages [around €250,000 a season] doubled," Zamparini told TeleRadioStereo.

"We kept that promise. At the minute there is no agreement, but his contract isn't set to expire soon so I don't understand why we should sell him."

Genoa failed in a recent bid to net the Italian international, while Roma are also keen on the custodian. Atletico Madrid and Schalke are possible destinations too.

It's claimed that Sirigu is asking for an annual salary of €800,000 a season.