‘No date for Conti return’

Milan’s doctor explains no date has been set for Andrea Conti’s return but he’ll have tests “in two weeks”.

The right-back has been out since September with a cruciate ligament injury, but it has been speculated that he’s close to making his comeback.

“The first four months have passed since the surgery,” Stefano Mazzoni explained on Milan TV.

Milan’s doctor explains no date has been set for Andrea Conti’s return but he’ll have tests “in two weeks”.

The right-back has been out since September with a cruciate ligament injury, but it has been speculated that he’s close to making his comeback.

“The first four months have passed since the surgery,” Stefano Mazzoni explained on Milan TV.

“He’s working on the pitch, though obviously in an individual and personalised way. We’re read about return dates for Andrea, but internally it doesn’t seem responsible to set dates.

“In two weeks his work will be analysed with tests and, based on those tests, we’ll schedule his next two weeks of work.

“What I can say is we’re really satisfied with how things have gone so far, but there are steps to be taken and we’ll do that with caution.”

The doctor also gave updates on Ignazio Abate, Luca Antonelli and Gabriel Paletta.

“They’ve been training with the group for a few days, so they’re fine. José Mauri is also fine, his ankle is healed.

“He’s on a personalised training program, he just needs a few more days to get back in top condition.”