New twist in Super League saga as Juve, Barça and Madrid could face UEFA sanctions

Juventus, Real Madrid and Barcelona could face sanctions, including a ban from European competition, as a new judge in the Madrid court has lifted the injunction imposed on UEFA.

Juve, Real and Barça are the only three teams still formally involved in the breakaway Super League announced a year ago and collapsed within  48 hours from its launch. UEFA threatened sanctions for all the participants, including €100m fines and a ban from European competitions.

However, a Madrid court had imposed an injunction on UEFA, making it impossible for the European football governing body to take action against the clubs involved. The scenario has now changed as UEFA have won an appeal seeing the injunction lifted. This means that the three European giants could now face a ban from UEFA.

As of today, Juventus, Real Madrid and Barcelona are out from ECA but are still involved in European competition and haven’t faced any sanctions because of their attempt to create an alternative European competition for elite clubs. It remains to be seen if UEFA will take action and what consequences the three European giants could face.