Italy’s Deputy PM Matteo Salvini has welcomed news of Roma’s new stadium project going through. “It’s good news for Rome and all of Italian sport.”

Stadio della Roma was finally given the green light on Tuesday, while Salvini [pictured, right] has been a long-term advocate for Serie A clubs to build newer, safer stadia.

“It’s good news for Rome and all of Italian sport,” the interior minister and Milan fan told Agenzia Dire.

Italy’s Deputy PM Matteo Salvini has welcomed news of Roma’s new stadium project going through. “It’s good news for Rome and all of Italian sport.”

Stadio della Roma was finally given the green light on Tuesday, while Salvini [pictured, right] has been a long-term advocate for Serie A clubs to build newer, safer stadia.

“It’s good news for Rome and all of Italian sport,” the interior minister and Milan fan told Agenzia Dire.

“There’s absolutely a need for new, modern and safe stadia. Finally a rundown area of the city will come back to life.”

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