More details are starting to come to light in Juventus’ capital gains case, with Giorgio Chiellini and Federico Cherubini both being directly involved, reports suggest. 

La Repubblica details how the former Juventus captain sent a message to the squad’s WhatsApp group saying ‘guys, calm down. I’m going to the president and I’ll sign a writ of guarantee.’ Chiellini reportedly invited the team not to discuss the situation with journalists, in part because the official statement published the following day would’ve been different from the one agreed upon in the meeting. 

Corriere della Sera reports that a telephone call took place between sporting director Cherubini and financial director Stefano Bertola, where they stated that “fortunately, in light of the recent visits, we have stopped”, referring to the offending capital gains used prior. 

La Stampa comments on the judge for preliminary investigations’ decision not to subject Juventus head Andrea Agnelli to house arrest, with the reason being that “the use of the capital gains method has already stopped and there’s doubts about the intent”. There are suggestions that the Bianconeri used a system that has already been used by other clubs in Europe.

Corriere dello Sport highlights how, unlike other Italian clubs not listed on the stock exchange, Juventus draw up their financial statements according the international accounting standards, the IAS 38 standard, which regulates intangible assets such as the value of players. In the absence of objective parameters to determine the value, it must be established at the net value record in the balance sheet and therefore shouldn’t generate capital gains.

7 thought on “New details in Juventus capital gains case – Chiellini meeting, Cherubini phone call”
  1. I doubt they have done something that some other top clubs haven’t also been doing.

    They have to be creative to keep up with English clubs and their insane income.

  2. Wonder how many other clubs are maxing out their shredder. There is always a witch hunt for the old lady. This will end up nowhere.

  3. CALMAAA!!!

    The 7/9 bush leaguers will be okay. Don Agnelli is too powerful and the shredder is mightier than the sword. They can make extra cash being in the EL where I am sure other bush leaguers will take them to the cleaners.

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