Nine Serie A sides including Juventus” data-scaytid=”2″>Juventus, Roma and Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”3″>Fiorentina have announced they support neither Carlo Tavecchio nor Demetrio Albertini.

Nine Serie A sides including Juventus, Roma and Fiorentina have announced they support neither Carlo Tavecchio nor Demetrio Albertini.

The two men are standing for election on Monday to succeed Giancarlo Abete as President of the Italian Football Federation.

Whilst Serie B yesterday reiterated its support for Tavecchio following on from the storm over his recent racist comments made, the candidate can count on dwindling support from the top flight.

However, outside candidate Albertini is seemingly not benefiting from this discontent either.

Juventus, Roma, Torino, Sampdoria, Sassuolo, Empoli, Cagliari, Cesena and Fiorentina have released a single document jointly signed indicating that they do not: “endorse nor are voting for either of the two candidates for the FIGC presidency.

“The nine clubs consider that to implement the necessary reforms and urgently revitalise Italian football, as identified by the Lega Serie A, the presidential candidate must obtain a broad consensus that currently neither candidate has.

“The clubs hope that the awareness of the lack of support of a large part of the Lega Serie A can induce Tavecchio and Albertini to take note of the fragmented situation and to withdraw their application, because it can quickly open a period deep reform of Italian football, which will hopefully find unity and togetherness under the banner of renewal.”

Tavecchio responded to this statement within the hour: “It does not change the substance of my commitment. The vast majority of clubs support my candidacy and my program of renewal of Italian football. I am going forward.”


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