Napoli’s De Laurentiis under investigation in false invoicing case

The Naples Public Prosecutor’s Office has reportedly asked for a one-year prison sentence for Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis for his involvement in a false invoicing case.

Il Mattino details how the prosecutors are investigating a number of figures in the world of football, including Atlanta president Antonio Percassi and Monza director Adriano Galliani, for their involvement in alleged non-existent transfers and false invoicing. 

The accusation of false invoicing stems from the relationship between a club, a player and his agent – until the day before signing the contract, the agent managed the player’s interests, but when pen was put to paper they took on the role of a consultant at the purchasing club. The effect of this allowed the player to cut the salary costs for his agent, with the net effect of the deal being seen in the club’s balance sheets. 

Regarding De Laurentiis in particular, the judges will examine the transfer of Emanuele Calaiò, who was signed by Napoli from Siena in July 2013 in a deal worth around €1.25m. Calaiò had previously spent three and a half years with the Partenopei before leaving for Siena in July 2008.