Napoli target Liverpool, Wolves and Leeds defenders to replace Kim

Napoli are monitoring several defenders to replace Kim Min-jae, including Ibrahima Konaté, Max Kilman and Robin Koch, reports Il Corriere dello Sport.

Kim is on the verge of joining Bayern Munich, who will pay his release clause worth more than €50m.

The next centre-back for the Partenopei could arrive from England as, according to Il Corriere dello Sport, Liverpool’s Konaté, Wolves’ Kilman and Leeds’ Koch are all on Napoli’s agenda.

They are not the only centre-backs targeted by the Serie A giants. Both Il Corriere dello Sport and Gazzetta mention Robin Le Normand (Real Sociedad) as a concrete target for Napoli.

Gazzetta adds to Napoli’s agenda the likes of Giorgio Scalvini and Ko Itakura, who have been linked with a move to the Stadio Maradona for several months.

Kim joined Napoli from Fenerbahce for just €18m a year ago and will leave the Stadio Maradona after scoring two goals in 45 games and contributing to the Partenopei’s first Serie A title in 33 years.