The man in charge of medical screening for Napoli players and staff explains the process that will allow them to resume training from Saturday after the COVID-19 crisis.

Most Serie A sides returned to training this week, or at least performed the tests to ensure they are free of coronavirus with a view to starting up over the next few days.

“Respecting the protocol, which is quite complex, we performed nasopharyngeal swabs,” explained Professor Vincenzo Mirone to Radio Punto Nuovo.

The man in charge of medical screening for Napoli players and staff explains the process that will allow them to resume training from Saturday after the COVID-19 crisis.

Most Serie A sides returned to training this week, or at least performed the tests to ensure they are free of coronavirus with a view to starting up over the next few days.

“Respecting the protocol, which is quite complex, we performed nasopharyngeal swabs,” explained Professor Vincenzo Mirone to Radio Punto Nuovo.

“These can be quite irritating, because it means going right in deep to the oral and nasal mucus, but they are extremely reliable tests. We divided the players into three groups for the testing, apart from Orestis Karnezis, as we had some technical difficulties with him. We can deny the rumours he tested positive.

“If all players and staff are negative to two sets of tests, then Napoli can resume training from Saturday. Then it’s up to the Government and Minister for Sport Vincenzo Spadafora to decide on when we can train in groups or start playing again.

“The protocol is that there will be a test per week during training, but theoretically everyone should remain within the ‘bubble’ of the Castel Volturno training ground, so that’s 26 players and circa 30 employees.

“The plan is to start the blood tests next week, which will tell us what antibodies have been developed, if any.”

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