Napoli squad for Roma

Napoli have named their 21-man squad for the Coppa Italia clash with Roma tomorrow evening.

The Partenopei host the capital club on Wednesday in the second leg of their last four match, looking to overturn a 3-2 aggregate score.

Napoli have named their 21-man squad for the Coppa Italia clash with Roma tomorrow evening.

The Partenopei host the capital club on Wednesday in the second leg of their last four match, looking to overturn a 3-2 aggregate score.

And they will do so with virtually no injury worries, as Rafa Benitez has confirmed the names that will face the Giallorossi.

The only names missing are Giandomenico Mesto and Juan Zuniga, who are both sidelined through injury.

Napoli squad for Roma: Reina, Rafael, Colombo, Maggio, Reveillere, Ghoulam, Albiol, Britos, Fernandez, Henrique, Behrami, Dzemaili, Inler, Jorginho, Callejon, Insigne, Mertens, Hamsik, Higuain, Pandev, Duvan.