Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis believes Friday’s defeat against Lazio was ‘useful’ and publicly blames FIFA: ‘Did you see the Netflix documentary? They stole millions.’

The Partenopei owner spoke at an event on Monday at the Law Department at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, province of Caserta. 

He discussed many arguments, from the Partenopei’s second season defeat in Serie A against Lazio last week to the future of Serie B side Bari, which he also owns, to the recent scandal involving FIFA.

“Did you see on Netflix what FIFA did? They stole millions. They are in Switzerland, out of every European jurisdiction and nobody controls them,” he said, as quoted by Il Corriere dello Sport.

ADL mentioned a recent Netflix documentary which shed light on the many recent controversies surrounding Football’s World Governing Body.

De Laurentiis-owned club Bari currently sit second in Serie B, which would grant them a spot in Serie A next season. However, if the Galletti get promotion to Italy’s top flight, De Laurentiis will be forced to sell them or Napoli as the person is not allowed to own two clubs in Serie A to avoid conflict of interest.

“If Bari go to Serie A, we’ll sell the club to somebody who knows how to manage it properly,” admitted the Italian businessman who also commented on Lazio’s win against Napoli last week.

It was the second season defeat for the Partenopei who still have a 15-point lead over second-placed Inter.

“Maurizio Sarri was a smartass. He had a defensive approach rather than playing as he knew. However, the defeat can be useful otherwise we’d run the risk of relaxing.”

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