Napoli lawyer Mattia Grassani explained the temporary return of Juventus’ 15 points and whether a penalty would be applied to this season or next.

The Bianconeri were handed a 15-point deduction by the FIGC court back in January for alleged falsified capital gains, something which they appealed against to CONI’s Collegio di Garanzia.

The Collegio di Garanzia complicated matters by temporarily annulling Juventus’ penalty in order to set up a third trial, meaning the Bianconeri have now shot up the league table to third. The situation has not reflected well on the FIGC, who have been the focus of much discussion in recent weeks.

Speaking to Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli, Grassani first explained the Collegio di Garanzia’s decision to temporarily annul Juventus’ penalty.

“After the Collegio di Garanzia annulled the previous ruling, it is now up to the Federal Court of Appeals, who will have to request a new sanction. In terms of penalty points it would take effect immediately, so at the end of the season Juventus will probably have -x points.

“The other clubs, on the other hand, did not appear at any level of judgement. Perhaps now the participation of third clubs could also be declared inadmissible because so far no one has appeared.

“In terms of timing, for a definitive decision and a possible appeal by Juventus, we would certainly wat until June.”

Grassani was then asked if Juventus’ penalty would be handed to them for this season or next.

“If we talk about -8 points, which is an example, and Juventus had an advantage over the fifth in the Champions League race or the seventh in the Europa League race with a higher number of points, it is clear that for the principles of affliction the penalty could be for next season.

“But there are also the other proceedings, such as the one regarding wages, and then there could be another penalty and that point the penalty could arrive already this season. But it could also arrive in July or at the start of next season.”

Juventus are still being invested by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Prisma investigation, for secret salary agreements with players and misleading the market.

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