Napoli: ‘Justice has been done’

Napoli’s lawyer says “justice has finally be done” after the club won a court case with Gonzalo Higuain.

The Juventus striker had been claiming over €600,000 in unpaid image rights, but it was officially confirmed today that the case had gone in his former club’s favour.

“Just has finally been done, it’s a victory all down the line for Napoli,” the Partenopei’s lawyer Mattia Grassani told Tuttomercatoweb.

Napoli’s lawyer says “justice has finally be done” after the club won a court case with Gonzalo Higuain.

The Juventus striker had been claiming over €600,000 in unpaid image rights, but it was officially confirmed today that the case had gone in his former club’s favour.

“Just has finally been done, it’s a victory all down the line for Napoli,” the Partenopei’s lawyer Mattia Grassani told Tuttomercatoweb.

“Higuain’s claims were wholly rejected and declared inadmissable. The unfaithfulness of the action taken by the player is demonstrated by the trial costs he’s been charged with.

“It’s over €50,000, something unprecedented. Finally the curtain falls on this story, which has occupied us and has dragged on too long.

“It’s a controversy which, as we see it, never even had start.”