It’s reported Sinisa Mihajlovic is Napoli’s number one target should Rafa Benitez leave at the end of the season.

It looks increasingly likely that the Spaniard will depart when his contract expires after this term, with reports yesterday from both Spain and Italy indicating he’s said his goodbyes to players.

It’s reported Sinisa Mihajlovic is Napoli’s number one target should Rafa Benitez leave at the end of the season.

It looks increasingly likely that the Spaniard will depart when his contract expires after this term, with reports yesterday from both Spain and Italy indicating he’s said his goodbyes to players.

Today’s Tuttosport reports that Sampdoria Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic is the prime candidate to replace him.

While Blucerchiati President Massimo Ferrero is unlikely to give up the Serbian without a fight, the newspaper reports that he will meet with his opposite number Aurelio De Laurentiis after the two sides meet on April 25.

The sports daily believes that the former defender’s future is largely contigent on whether or not Samp qualify for European competition.


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