Rage over Gonzalo Higuain's four-match ban engulfs the media, while Napoli's lawyer promises a reduction.

The striker was handed a ban for protesting against the referee in the match against Udinese. The disciplinary decision seriously compromises the Partenopei's campaign for the Scudetto, and could mean that El Pipita will skip the match against second-place competitors Roma.

Rage over Gonzalo Higuain's four-match ban engulfs the media, while Napoli's lawyer promises a reduction.

The striker was handed a ban for protesting against the referee in the match against Udinese. The disciplinary decision seriously compromises the Partenopei's campaign for the Scudetto, and could mean that El Pipita will skip the match against second-place competitors Roma.

The media and social media linked to Naples are on fire with reports on one of the most discussed incidents of the season.

Neapolitan lawyer Giorgio Varano is asking sporting judge Gianpaolo Tosel to resign, allegedly for breaking protocol by revealing some details of the Higuain affair to the Press before publishing the official statement on the match ban.

The matter is made even more controversial as it is believed that the incriminating call to the sporting judge was made deliberately by a Neapolitan radio as a set-up.

Tosel's son, apparently a Juventus fan, posted a mocking picture of a pizza right after the game, claiming that the Scudetto had been won by Juventus. The comments went viral.

According to Tuttosport, the accusations that Juventus player Leonardo Bonucci was handed a preferential treatment in an incident similar to Higuain's are prompting a response by the Old Lady. Apparently a dossier with all of the refereeing mistakes that went against Juventus this year is being prepared, though it is unlikely to be published.

Sources within Naples report that a massive protest will take place at the San Paolo on Sunday during the match against Verona, with the Vesuviani fans wearing masks of Higuain in solidarity.

A variety of sources relate the different comments made by the people involved.

“We must turn our anger into athletic drive, to finish the championship strongly,” Maurizio Sarri told his team, according to La Repubblica. The Coach is also banned for one day, and the club will appeal that.

“I'm sorry lads, I'm sorry,” Higuain told his teammates, according to Il Mattino. “But I've done nothing wrong. I didn't push the referee, he was the one who was coming towards me.”

Higuain is apparently looking to appear in court personally, rather than leaving the matter to his lawyer – a highly unusual course of action for this type of case.

Napoli's lawyer Mattia Grassani released some statements today, detailing Napoli's defence strategy.

“Having read the referee's statement, we already have a complete reconstruction of the facts the way they've been reported by Irrati and written by the Judge,” he told Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli.

“We believe there are some incongruences between the two things, so there's the possibility of rebating the match-ban.

“For Higuain we have eight days to present an appeal, while for Sarri we'll present it as early as tomorrow. For Gonzalo, we'll have it ready by Wednesday.

“The first step will be to reduce the number of days of the ban from four to two, or alternatively from four to three.

“The presence of Higuain before the judges is a real possibility. The lad wishes to defend himself.”


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