Napoli focus on Scalvini in quest to replace Kim

Napoli are looking around for the right replacement for Kim Min-Jae and have reportedly decided to focus their efforts on Atalanta’s Giorgio Scalvini.

The Partenopei are preparing to sell the South Korean defender to Bayern Munich, who have already agreed personal terms and are now expected to activate his €50m release clause in the coming days.

The Serie A champions are now on the hunt for a replacement and have reduced their list to three targets. Wolves’ Max Kilman and Real Sociedad’s Robin Le Normand are both in the club’s sights, but would cost at least €40m.

Page eight of today’s Gazzetta dello Sport highlights how the top target on Napoli’s three-man list is Scalvini, who would be slightly more expensive than the other two but seemingly has the potential to hit greater peaks.

Atalanta want around €50m for the talented 19-year-old, who has attracted attention from across Europe, but Napoli are hoping to secure a slight discount.