Napoli fans planning mock Vesuvius eruption, authorities say

Napoli is a city on the cusp of exploding in celebration and authorities have warned against plans to stage a mock eruption on Mount Vesuvius.

The Partenopei can secure their first Scudetto in 33 years this weekend, should they beat Salernitana and Lazio drop points to Inter. Luciano Spalletti’s side have looked unstoppable at points this season and their victory has hardly been in doubt in recent weeks, allowing them to enjoy the final stages of the campaign.

Widespread celebrations are set to occur across the city of Napoli, creating amusement and excitement amongst onlookers and anxiety amongst the authorities, who’ll battle to maintain some semblance of safety.

The Vesuvius National Park Authority released a statement today, warning against the plans to stage a mock eruption at Mount Vesuvius in celebration, highlighting the dangers of the idea.

“In the last few hours, the Ente Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio has learned with great concern, from the press, of the intention of some supporters of Napoli to celebrate the imminent Scudetto by organising a mock explosion of Vesuvius, with an ‘invasion’ of the same and the lighting of tricolour smoke bombs on the top of the crater.

“The Park Authority considers this initiative dangerous and impracticable, as it would take place in the heart of the park, in the area of maximum protection of a national park established in 1995 by decree of the President of the Republic, subject, due to its vulnerability and importance in terms of biodiversity, to different levels of protection at national and EU level.

Stefano Donati, the president of the Vesuvius National Park Authority, also explained why these plans cannot be allowed to go ahead.

“We are coordinating with the local police forces of the Vesuvian municipalities and the Vesuvius Park Carabinieri department to ensure a massive garrison and the closure of the access areas to the crater, although we hope that this great celebration will take place in inhabited areas, without incursions into natural areas that would lead to inevitable episodes of degradation.”