Napoli explain training retreat with official statement

Napoli have explained the decision to send the team into a permanent training retreat ‘to maximise the quality of our players.’

The Partenopei saw their title hopes vanish after a 3-2 loss at Empoli yesterday. Napoli were leading 2-0, but collapsed in the final ten minutes, conceding three goals. The club had announced yesterday that the team would go to a training retreat until the end of the season and have just shared a new statement regarding the decision.

“The club, board of sporting directors, coach and staff have decided that the most important thing to do right now is to continue the usual daily training schedule,” the club said.

“Shifts will remain the same, with great focus on individual components and the overall group. Meetings covering theory and assessments of upcoming games will remain the same as always.

“This will all be combined with evening dinner meetings to open ourselves up to possible criticism, problems, misunderstandings and the quality of our play, all of which is to maximise the quality of our players, which was showcased in the first half of the season, in particular.”