Napoli-Eintracht Frankfurt ultra clash fallout – injuries, arrests, investigation

Authorities in Naples are dealing with the fallout after the violent clashes between Napoli and Eintracht Frankfurt fans on the night of their Champions League match.

The tension had been brewing for some time following the Partenopei’s 2-0 win over the Bundesliga outfit in the first leg of their Champions League Round of 16 clash back in February, where small pockets of supporters fought.

Initially, all German residents were banned from purchasing tickets for the return leg in Naples by the government, and local authorities then restricted the sale of tickets to those from Frankfurt itself.

The situation infuriated the Eintracht fans, and 600 ultras decided to travel to the Campania capital anyway, where they clashed with police and Napoli fans, putting an ugly cloud over the Champions League match.

The Questore of Naples announced today that six policemen suffered injuries during the clashes between fans, which saw a police car set on fire.

Eight arrests were made last night – five Napoli fans and three Eintracht Frankfurt fans. The authorities are now working on identifying all of the German supporters who took part in the violence, and a total of 470 have identified so far.

Of these 470, 120 were taken in the early hours of the night to a police station in Frosinone and held for identification, before being escorted to Fiumicino Airport in Rome to leave Italy. The other 350 Eintracht fans are still at a police station in Salerno and investigations are still ongoing.