Napoli defeat embitters Mazzarri

Walter Mazzarri hit out at the refereeing of last night's Coppa Italia Quarter-Final against Inter and felt that Napoli were by far the better side.

Despite dominating the tie, Napoli ended up losing 5-4 on penalties at the San Paolo with Ezequiel Lavezzi missing a crucial spot kick.

"Leonardo is a good lad and I respect him," Mazzarri said sarcastically. "Often when you face Inter, their Coach comments on a different match altogether.

Walter Mazzarri hit out at the refereeing of last night's Coppa Italia Quarter-Final against Inter and felt that Napoli were by far the better side.

Despite dominating the tie, Napoli ended up losing 5-4 on penalties at the San Paolo with Ezequiel Lavezzi missing a crucial spot kick.

"Leonardo is a good lad and I respect him," Mazzarri said sarcastically. "Often when you face Inter, their Coach comments on a different match altogether.

"It's enough to count the number of goalscoring chances and the saves their goalkeeper had to make to understand who did better.

"At times it seemed like a big club against a small club except for the fact that they have many champions in their squad and are the world champions."

Asked about the standard of the refereeing, he said: "At times there are situations that come to be interpreted in a different manner when it's Napoli, but it's best to shut up because you can't control certain things from the bench.

"Napoli deserved it on points, but this is football [not boxing]. If you don't score, you don't win and you can lose on penalties. I am rather disappointed because we deserved to win, but I have nothing with which to reproach my players who at times dominated a better opponent.

"It's a shame that refereeing mistakes influenced the match."