Nainggolan volunteers to deliver food

Cagliari star Radja Nainggolan is pitching in to help organise and deliver food to people who are struggling during the coronavirus lockdown.

The Belgium international was pictured by Sardegna Live as he wore a mask, gloves and protective clothing when joining the group of volunteers in the city.

It’s reported a request went out to all residents if they wanted to lend a helping hand and Nainggolan answered the call.

Cagliari star Radja Nainggolan is pitching in to help organise and deliver food to people who are struggling during the coronavirus lockdown.

The Belgium international was pictured by Sardegna Live as he wore a mask, gloves and protective clothing when joining the group of volunteers in the city.

It’s reported a request went out to all residents if they wanted to lend a helping hand and Nainggolan answered the call.

He is responsible for organising and delivering food parcels to families who are struggling during the lockdown, especially if they have lost their jobs and cannot make ends meet in this period of crisis.

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