Nainggolan to Milan or Juventus

Cagliari” data-scaytid=”1″>Cagliari chief Massimo Cellino says he will sell Radja Nainggolan to either Milan or Juventus” data-scaytid=”6″>Juventus.

The Belgium international midfielder has been made available for sale and a January move is a possibility.

Cagliari chief Massimo Cellino says he will sell Radja Nainggolan to either Milan or Juventus.

The Belgium international midfielder has been made available for sale and a January move is a possibility.

“If I was only interested in the money, as some people think, then I would sell Nainggolan to a foreign club,” he told the Corriere dello Sport.

“However, given the player’s ability, I want him to remain in Italy with Juventus or Milan.

“Juve director general Beppe Marotta asked me for him first, but there is Milan where there is a friend of mine in Adriano Galliani.”

Juve President Andrea Agnelli today told Tuttosport that he didn’t expect his club to make any January signings.

The Gazzetta dello Sport claims that Milan are in pole position for the former Piacenza man.

While Nainggolan looks set to stay in Serie A, international defender Davide Astori may be on his way out of the country.

“It is a different situation for Astori,” Cellino added. “I imagine that he will either end up in Russia or in England.”