Nainggolan: ‘I like Roma lifestyle’

Radja Nainggolan confirmed he turned down Premier League clubs because “I like the lifestyle” at Roma and “would like to stay for the next five years.”

The midfielder was interviewed by teammate Wojciech Szczesny for Roma TV and asked why he didn't leave when linked to big clubs such as Chelsea last summer.

“It was a lifestyle choice. I like the lifestyle here. If there was Arsenal and the way you talk about the club, maybe I should’ve gone…” he smiled.

Radja Nainggolan confirmed he turned down Premier League clubs because “I like the lifestyle” at Roma and “would like to stay for the next five years.”

The midfielder was interviewed by teammate Wojciech Szczesny for Roma TV and asked why he didn't leave when linked to big clubs such as Chelsea last summer.

“It was a lifestyle choice. I like the lifestyle here. If there was Arsenal and the way you talk about the club, maybe I should’ve gone…” he smiled.

“I would like to stay for the next five years at Roma.”

The goalkeeper asked Nainggolan about his ‘Ninja’ nickname.

“I got the nickname at Cagliari, it was a newspaper. Did I punch anyone? No! I like the haircut and after a few years of having it, a lot of kids are having it too.

“Sometimes I change the colour. My favourite is blond, I think. The red was too hard. My first tattoo was a sparrow on my shoulder to see how painful it was. It was painful! The one on the neck hurt more. Really painful.

“I was not a good kid at school, I must admit. I’m really professional now… sometimes. When I was young, I didn’t realise I could be a footballer, but when I started playing at a good level at about 17, I believed I could make it.

“My role model is Clarence Seedorf, the most complete midfielder, so I like his style of football. Who am I scared of in football? No-one.”