President Maurizio Zamparini is confident new Coach Bortolo Mutti is “the right choice for Palermo,” but rules out a bid for Roma’s David Pizarro.

President Maurizio Zamparini is confident new Coach Bortolo Mutti is “the right choice for Palermo,” but rules out a bid for Roma’s David Pizarro.

The patron sacked Stefano Pioli before the Serie A season even began and axed replacement Devis Mangia on Monday.

“Mangia will certainly have a great future, but I am convinced that Mutti – a very calm and experienced person – is the right choice for Palermo.”

There have been reports that the Rosanero are preparing a January transfer for seldom-used Roma midfielder Pizarro.

“We are working to reinforce the squad from January, but I don’t think Pizarro wants to come to Palermo and we are only looking for players who’ll marry the cause. I believe he’ll return to Chile.

“I hope Mauricio Pinilla will stay with us, as he is an important player.”

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