Muriel: ‘Bologna not easy’

Sampdoria striker Luis Muriel warns Bologna ‘won’t be easy’ but ‘we’re a good team’.

The Blucerchiati have four points from their first two games this season, and welcome the Rossoblu to Marassi at the weekend.

“It won’t be an easy game,” Muriel told the club’s official website.

“Our opponents have suffered two defeats in two games, so they’ll certainly be trying to get a result, but we’re feeling good and we want to win in front of our fans.

Sampdoria striker Luis Muriel warns Bologna ‘won’t be easy’ but ‘we’re a good team’.

The Blucerchiati have four points from their first two games this season, and welcome the Rossoblu to Marassi at the weekend.

“It won’t be an easy game,” Muriel told the club’s official website.

“Our opponents have suffered two defeats in two games, so they’ll certainly be trying to get a result, but we’re feeling good and we want to win in front of our fans.

“My understanding with Eder? It’s growing every day, the same with my other teammates.

“We’re a good team.”