Moratti: Mazzarri is Inter’s rock

Massimo Moratti is convinced he made the right decision in appointing Walter Mazzarri as the new boss of Inter this summer.

The tactician has replaced Andrea Stramaccioni at the club after his contract at Napoli expired at the end of last season.

Massimo Moratti is convinced he made the right decision in appointing Walter Mazzarri as the new boss of Inter this summer.

The tactician has replaced Andrea Stramaccioni at the club after his contract at Napoli expired at the end of last season.

“Mazzarri was chosen because he is a rock,” the Beneamata chief told the Gazzetta dello Sport. “He is our certainty, our strong point who has the support of everybody.

“We could have chosen someone else, but we were right to go with a concrete person, a humble guy who learns and listens.

“I don’t mean he listens to me, but the players and the environment here. And he has the strength of his ideas.”

Moratti was also questioned on the transfer market and the big game of Week 3 when his side will entertain champions Juventus.

“We did what we needed to do on the transfer market. And I’m not disappointed that Samuel Eto’o did not return.

“Who would I have wanted to sign in the last hour of the transfer market? Kaka…”

On Juventus, he noted: “It is a game which will attract. If we win then we will be happy, if we don’t then it will be a necessary lesson to improve. Obviously, though, I want to win.”