Moratti has ‘full confidence’ in Rafa

Inter President Massimo Moratti has moved to deny claims in the Italian media that he is fed up with Rafa Benitez and ready to sack him.

This morning's La Gazzetta dello Sport carried a headline on its front page that read: "Benitez hangs by a thread."

The likes of Leonardo, Luciano Spalletti, Dunga and Frank Rijkaard have been linked with the position, but Moratti insists there is nothing to the reports.

"There isn't any traumatic decision," Moratti said outside his office before calling the stories "inventions."

Inter President Massimo Moratti has moved to deny claims in the Italian media that he is fed up with Rafa Benitez and ready to sack him.

This morning's La Gazzetta dello Sport carried a headline on its front page that read: "Benitez hangs by a thread."

The likes of Leonardo, Luciano Spalletti, Dunga and Frank Rijkaard have been linked with the position, but Moratti insists there is nothing to the reports.

"There isn't any traumatic decision," Moratti said outside his office before calling the stories "inventions."

"You have invented it," he raged. "I have read it in your papers.

"There isn't any traumatic decision. It's a project that we have chosen and it's going forward.

"There is full confidence in Benitez like I said the other day.

"You can't take away the fact that I was annoyed after a game like Sunday's, but this doesn't change the club's projects."