Moratti has ‘faith in Ranieri’

Inter President Massimo Moratti insists Claudio Ranieri won’t be sacked if he loses against Catania. “When you put faith in someone, you do it.”

The patron today confirmed he would stick with the Coach even after seven defeats in the last eight official games.

Inter President Massimo Moratti insists Claudio Ranieri won’t be sacked if he loses against Catania. “When you put faith in someone, you do it.”

The patron today confirmed he would stick with the Coach even after seven defeats in the last eight official games.

The reports continue to maintain he has a Last Chance Saloon this weekend against the Elefantini.

“I heard that said about all the games,” Moratti told Telelombardia this evening.

“That is not the case. When you put faith in someone, you do it, and naturally there is the hope that things will go well.

“It is very important to do well and Ranieri knows that too. Everything is certainly not tied to a single match, but at the moment every game weighs very heavily if it goes badly.”

Moratti was also asked if he could see the blame of some individuals within the squad.

“No, not individuals. It is a general downward spiral that needs to be stopped.”