Moratti anticipates gradual change

Massimo Moratti has again reiterated that Inter’s troubles will only take time and patience to fix, in an address to supporters.

After recording seven consecutive League wins not so long ago, the Nerazzurri have returned to a negative momentum similar to that experienced at the start of the season.

Massimo Moratti has again reiterated that Inter’s troubles will only take time and patience to fix, in an address to supporters.

After recording seven consecutive League wins not so long ago, the Nerazzurri have returned to a negative momentum similar to that experienced at the start of the season.

In all competitions the team are without a win in five and have lost four of those. This run of results included the club’s first instance of conceding four goals in consecutive League matches, whilst it is 65 years since La Beneamata have recorded as many League defeats by the 23rd round of matches played.

“Let's talk about serious issues regarding our champions,” began the President at an Inter fan-organised event in Varese.

“Obviously I can't be very pleased with the way things have gone recently, but this is a team that has won so much and if they have won so much, it means the players fitted together well as a team and were also exceptional as individual players.

“We have become used to these players and we have also become used to each one's individual style, so it isn't easy to change them, because you'd have to find another player of the same standard and you wish you could find the same player when he was younger.

“It is difficult to find a model whose pieces you can change one by one, in order to have what you originally had straight away.

“So you can and you must do it slowly and calmly, and during this gradual transformation there will be times when things don't always go right.

“That's what's happening now, just like at the start of the season.”