Captain Riccardo Montolivo admits Milan’s recent form is “not acceptable”.

The Rossoneri haven’t won in their last four Serie A games, and are now in serious danger of missing out on Europe for the third season in a  row.

“It’s a delicate moment, no doubt,” Montolivo told Sky.

“We’re coming off four games where we’ve only taken two points, it’s not acceptable to take so few.

Captain Riccardo Montolivo admits Milan’s recent form is “not acceptable”.

The Rossoneri haven’t won in their last four Serie A games, and are now in serious danger of missing out on Europe for the third season in a  row.

“It’s a delicate moment, no doubt,” Montolivo told Sky.

“We’re coming off four games where we’ve only taken two points, it’s not acceptable to take so few.

“The ritiro isn’t the solution to all our problems, but at the moment we have to use it do to individual examinations and understand that we can’t go on like this.

“We need to put in a lot of work on the pitch, we must solve our technical and mental problems. Our limitations this year have been mental.

“We’re trying to understand what happened in the last four games, we haven’t done enough.”

Coach Sinisa Mihajlovic is expected to be sacked at the end of the season, but Montolivo insists the players are behind him.

“The team has always been behind Sinisa Mihajlovic, I know the Coach well and I know that he’s at his best when the pressure is on.

“We’ll try to get out of this difficult period together, I think you’ll see a different team on the pitch.

“We’re used to it, for three or four years there have been these continuous rumours. When the results don’t come a lot of names are mentioned, but the club and the team have full confidence in our Coach.

"He spoke to the squad, nothing was left unsaid.

“I hope we can continue with him next year too.”

Mario Balotelli is expected to start when Juventus come calling on Saturday, and the Italian international wants to see more consistency from his teammate.

“He and Jeremy [Menez] did well when they came on on Saturday,” Montolivo recalled.

“They didn’t get any goals, but they have a good understanding. Let’s see if Mario can provide some consistency, because that’s always been his problem.”


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