Riccardo Montolivo is impressed with new Milan Coach Vincenzo Montella and says their first objective “is to create team spirit.”
The Rossoneri began pre-season training this week and the captain spoke to Milan TV.
“I had a small calf problem that prevented me from taking part in Euro 2016, but nothing compared to the injury I had two years ago,” reassured the midfielder.
Riccardo Montolivo is impressed with new Milan Coach Vincenzo Montella and says their first objective “is to create team spirit.”
The Rossoneri began pre-season training this week and the captain spoke to Milan TV.
“I had a small calf problem that prevented me from taking part in Euro 2016, but nothing compared to the injury I had two years ago,” reassured the midfielder.
“The first impressions of Montella are very positive. The team is eager to receive his concepts of football. Clearly pre-season training is always tough, but the squad is responding well to the Coach’s requests.
“Montella always made his teams play well and gets the best out of quality players. I think his approach to the game is clear: occupy spaces regardless of the player’s individual role, possession and making the opposition chase the ball.
“The objective now is to create team spirit. I think this component had been there to a degree last season, but in an inconsistent way. There were certainly games we played well and great days for our fans.”
Montolivo tied that issue in with Antonio Conte’s Italy at Euro 2016.
“It hurt to go out on penalties to Germany. The Nazionale gave everything it had and this is why the team was appreciated by the Italian people.
“It’s something that we too must try to find and confirmation that team spirit makes the difference.”
President Silvio Berlusconi is in the process of selling Milan to Chinese investors, though he will remain as Honorary President.
At the moment there won’t be any pep talks, as the patron is recovering from heart surgery.
“I hope to see him at Milanello as soon as possible,” continued Montolivo. “Clearly it was a delicate operation, so we are happy he’s back home now and wish him a speedy recovery.”