Montella: ‘Thank you, Sampdoria’

Vincenzo Montella thanks Sampdoria, after leaving to take over as Milan Coach.

The former striker was officially confirmed as the new Rossoneri boss yesterday, leaving the Blucerchiati after less than a year in the job.

“In football things happen quickly, especially when you don’t expect them,” Montella said in an open letter.

Vincenzo Montella thanks Sampdoria, after leaving to take over as Milan Coach.

The former striker was officially confirmed as the new Rossoneri boss yesterday, leaving the Blucerchiati after less than a year in the job.

“In football things happen quickly, especially when you don’t expect them,” Montella said in an open letter.

“That’s how it was in November, when I returned to Sampdoria as Coach. That’s what has happened in the last few days too.

“Before I take on a new professional adventure, I feel the need – and the pleasure – to say goodbye to and thank all at Sampdoria.

“The President, Massimo Ferrero, the lawyer, Antonio Romei, sporting director Carlo Osti, Riccardo Pecini, the directors, employees, players and all the staff at Bogliasco.

“We shared a short but important and intense period together.

“It’s in difficult that a man and a Coach grows, understands, improves. I’ve said it many times and I’ll repeat it today: I’m convinced that these months at Sampdoria will remain indelible in my story.

“They’ve been months in which Sampdoria fans, once again, have proven themselves to be special, unique, mature and also critical, but able to understand situations and turn their passion into positive energy for the team.

“A salute to Genoa, which welcomed me with open arms from the very beginning of my career.

“My sincere thanks go to all the fans and supporters of Sampdoria which is – and always will be – a part of my life.

“With love, Vincenzo Montella.”