Mondonico believes in Stramaccioni

Sacked Inter boss Andrea Stramaccioni deserves another chance to prove his worth, says Emiliano Mondonico.

Sacked Inter boss Andrea Stramaccioni deserves another chance to prove his worth, says Emiliano Mondonico.

Stramaccioni, 37, was dismissed by the Nerazzurri this summer after the Beneamata finished Serie A 2012-13 in a lowly ninth-place.

The former Primavera boss, who was replaced by Napoli tactician Walter Mazzarri, is currently out of work.

“Did Stramaccioni fail? He will have other chances,” Mondonico, a former Serie A tactician, told Sport Italia.

“If I was a President then I would sign him,” he added. “He is more of a Coach now than when he arrived at Inter.

“It is in the moments of difficulties when you improve as a tactician.”

In 63 games in charge of the San Siro giants, Inter won 30, drew 11 and lost 22.