Monchi: ‘I want to keep Spalletti’

Monchi says he wants Luciano Spalletti to stay on as Roma Coach – “he’s one of the reasons I came here”.

The former goalkeeper has been announced as the new Giallorossi sporting director, but Spalletti’s contract is up at the end of the season and he has yet to commit to a renewal.

“I’ll tell you a story,” Monchi said in his presentation Press conference.

“The first time I was contacted to come to Roma, I thought about it and the only complicated thing was leaving Sevilla.

Monchi says he wants Luciano Spalletti to stay on as Roma Coach – “he’s one of the reasons I came here”.

The former goalkeeper has been announced as the new Giallorossi sporting director, but Spalletti’s contract is up at the end of the season and he has yet to commit to a renewal.

“I’ll tell you a story,” Monchi said in his presentation Press conference.

“The first time I was contacted to come to Roma, I thought about it and the only complicated thing was leaving Sevilla.

“There were several pros, including Spalletti. I was eager and enthusiastic to work with him; I’ll try to realise that.

“Now we can’t get distracted, what counts is these last games. I hold on to the hope that he’ll stay with us, he’s one of the reasons I came here. I’ll try.”

The issue of racism has reared its head again this week, after Sulley Muntari walked off at Cagliari and Antonio Rudiger was abused by Lazio fans in the Derby della Capitale.

“Racism is something which worries me, in Spain I have to say it’s handled well and thanks to the work of everyone, we all have the same obsession.

“In Italy it will take the help of all of us; first of all you in the Press, you have to denounce these things. A professional should get angry because he loses a game, not because he was insulted.

“Rudiger is an extraordinary lad and he’s suffering with this issue, I invite everyone to protect him like Muntari.

“We’re in the 21st century and we shouldn’t be dealing with these issues. I ask you for your help and readiness to denounce such incidents.”

Despite being one of Italy’s biggest clubs, Roma have won just three Scudetti in their history, is there a similarity with Monchi’s old club, Sevilla?

“There are no secrets or magic formulas,” the director shrugged.

“People have asked me many times for my secret, but the secret is the job. Roma fans deserve to have their dreams come true, but we all have to pull in the same direction.

“That’s what we did at Sevilla, and I’m sure we’ll succeed in doing it here. Roma fans deserve to see their dreams fulfilled, and that’s what I’ll work for.

“We want everyone to be united, from [President James] Pallotta, to Monchi, to every single employee of this club. That’s the first step toward winning.”