Monchi grateful for Roma ‘growth’

Monchi has expressed his gratitude to Roma for letting him ‘grow as a professional’ after returning to Sevilla.

Moinchi was unveiled as Sevilla’s sporting director for the second time on Monday, having followed Eusebio Di Francesco out of Roma earlier in the month.

“It’s a strange day, one that’s difficult to imagine and complicated to explain in words,” began the Spaniard.

Monchi has expressed his gratitude to Roma for letting him ‘grow as a professional’ after returning to Sevilla.

Moinchi was unveiled as Sevilla’s sporting director for the second time on Monday, having followed Eusebio Di Francesco out of Roma earlier in the month.

“It’s a strange day, one that’s difficult to imagine and complicated to explain in words,” began the Spaniard.

“I think this is a day that I hoped would come true. First of all, I thank the President, the board of directors and all those who helped bring me back home.

“I’m not just here because I'm a ‘sevillista’, but that’s not the point. I’m not here to save someone’s backside because this is a club society and a model for the rest of the world.

“I’m here because the President gave me an idea of ​​the future of Sevilla, which coincides with the one I have.

“I didn’t come back here because Sevilla are in trouble, but because I want to take Sevilla high.

“I come back with the conviction that there’s a lot of work to be done. Good things have already been done. Now I come back with the desire to stay here for as long as possible.

“Champions with Sevilla? I come here to help Seville grow and keep them in the football elite. Being a champion or not isn’t something we can control.

“I left Sevilla because I needed to find external motivations to grow professionally. Staying in the same place for a long time makes you believe that place is the centre of the world.

“I left in order to grow, I needed a change of scenery and to see the rest of the world so I could grow as a professional.

“I was looking for a difficult place to go. I had many offers and I found a project at Roma that helped me grow.

“Now I’ve been able to evaluate the Sevilla option on a professional level as the best one I could possibly take.

“I think the growth I’ve made over the past year can be passed on to the Sevilla project. I worked 24 hours a day at Roma, and I’ll do the same at Sevilla.”.