Monchi: ‘Glass half full’

Roma sporting director Monchi isn’t interested in criticism of the squad or Coach Eusebio Di Francesco – “I think it’s better to see the glass as half full”.

The Giallorossi have had a poor start to the season, and were easily beaten by Real Madrid last night, having reached the Champions League semi-finals last year.

“We’re professionals and we have to work,” Monchi told reporters in the mixed zone after the match.

Roma sporting director Monchi isn’t interested in criticism of the squad or Coach Eusebio Di Francesco – “I think it’s better to see the glass as half full”.

The Giallorossi have had a poor start to the season, and were easily beaten by Real Madrid last night, having reached the Champions League semi-finals last year.

“We’re professionals and we have to work,” Monchi told reporters in the mixed zone after the match.

“It’s a difficult moment but we can’t keep looking back, we need to take something positive from today and go again.

“Words aren’t needed, it’s facts that are missing and I think when you’re in difficulty it’s better to see the glass as half full.

“These periods can happen over a season, last year we had struggles too it’s just that this year it’s happened right away.

“I’m convinced that Di Francesco will find the right way out of this period, I’m concerned but I’m not pessimistic.

“When things are difficult it gives me more desire to work. I remain confident that the Coach will find the right path.

“It’s pointless looking for someone who is solely responsible, I’m sure the players will find the right path.”